Community Outreach for Long Islanders
As a not-for-profit, mission-based organization, Catholic Health is continuing the work of our women religious who founded hospitals, skilled nursing facilities and other Long Island agencies reaching back more than a century. We offer blood drives, free wellness seminars, support groups and other community health-related events and programs year-round.
To further help the medically underserved in Nassau and Suffolk counties, Catholic Health established its Healthy Sundays outreach network and Bishop McHugh Health Centers to deliver health screenings, education, vaccinations and other services to those without access to primary care.

“Living our mission means… passionately caring—for our patients, their loved ones, and each other. There’s a spirit at work here—we’re a community that reflexively exudes compassion and mercy. It inspires me every day!”
-Fr. Kevin Creagh, Catholic Health Senior Vice President, Mission Integration
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The Gianna Center's Commitment to Quality Care
Catholic Health Community Outreach

Healthy Sunday events offer free health screenings, flu vaccinations, health education materials and referrals to follow-up care for those with limited access to health care. Catholic Health will not ask for immigration status, nor is insurance required. There are no fees for service.
Speakers Bureau
Looking for a seasoned professional expert to address your organization? Turn to Catholic Health. Our experts cover various topics, bringing you current information for free in either an in-person or Zoom setting. For subjects we cover, please peruse our list of topics.
To request an expert:
A member of our community health team will follow-up.
If you do not see something listed, please add your topic in the request form
- Don’t Struggle with Acid Reflux
- Aging Gracefully: Stroke Prevention and Care
- Memories Matter: All about Alzheimer’s
- Early Detection: How to Beat Breast Cancer
- Thriving with Breast Cancer (You’re Not a Survivor; You’re a Thriver)
- Benefits of Breastfeeding
- Caregivers: Support Yourself
- Cancer Screening and Prevention
- Ways to Improve Carpal Tunnel
- Keep Your Children Healthy at Any Age
- Diabetes Tips & Tidbits
- Drug and Alcohol Awareness
- Falls Prevention (Catch This Before You Fall)
- Food for Thought: Nutrition & Healthy Eating
- Genetic Counseling (prenatal, cancer)
- What are the Concepts of Grief & How to Cope
- Head and Neck Cancer
- Heart Health (Protect Your Heart)
- Hormone Health
- Keep Your Sight as you Age
- Lung Screening/Lung Cancer
- Managing Stress & Anxiety
- Medication Management
- Medicine & the Disability Population
- Men’s Health
- Bone Health Matters: Osteoporosis Prevention & Treatment
- Pain, Pain, Go Away: All About Pain Management
- Prostate Cancer
- Pump it Up: Keeping Your Heart Healthy
- Safely Stay Active During the Winter
- Seasonal Depression/Winter Blues
- Sitting is the new smoking
- Supporting Children’s Mental Health
- The ABC’s of getting your ZZZ’s: All About Sleep
- Weight Loss Surgery
- Women’s Health
- Wound Care
Pregnancy Help
Catholic Health offers assistance with an unexpected or crisis pregnancy.
Explore Catholic Health
Community Events
Catholic Health Update
Watch our weekly videos for the latest happenings at Catholic Health.