young woman talking to doctor

Why is taking care of mental health so important?

“Research shows that chronic and unhealthy levels of high stress are worst among college-age students and young adults, typically 18-24 years of age,” said Shiby Abraham, MD, FAPA, Program Director of Psychiatry Residency at St. Catherine of Siena Hospital. “Stress can lead to mental health conditions like anxiety and depression.”

Dr. Abraham explained that the stigma around mental health can often prevent someone from seeking help. “The good news is that people in their 20s and younger are more aware than previous generations about the importance of talking about mental health and seeking help,” she said. “But often, they don’t know where to begin.” 


How do I get started?

“Finding and making an appointment with a primary care physician is an important first step,” said Dr. Abraham. “A PCP is your health care partner, evaluating any changes to your physical or mental health year to year and someone you can check in with between annual exams if you have concerns about how you feel.”

A PCP typically uses the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) to assess mental health.

Questions may include:

  • Are you feeling depressed?
  • Are you feeling anxious?
  • Are you feeling stressed?
  • Are you avoiding social situations?
  • Are you no longer doing things you used to enjoy?
  • Are you sleeping too much or too little?
  • Do you have a loss of appetite?
  • Do you have suicidal thoughts?
  • Do you have a family history of mental illness?

“Be honest about your symptoms, ask follow-up questions and take notes,” said Dr. Abraham. “Taking a proactive approach gives your health care professional the information they need to provide an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment plan.”


What happens after my appointment?

Your PCP can:

  • Refer you to a mental health professional (such as a psychologist or psychiatrist) for further consultation and diagnosis.
  • Refer you to a mental health professional for therapy.
  • Prescribe medication.
  • Suggest lifestyle modifications like exercising regularly, managing stress and eating healthy.

“The body and mind are interconnected,” said Dr. Abraham. “Taking care of both is essential to good health. You must keep up with your annual exams, but also let your doctor know at any time if you are concerned about your mental health.”


What are the common causes of stress?

“Mild stress can be healthy and motivating under the proper circumstances, but stress that is overwhelming and constant can lead to other mental health issues,” said Dr. Abraham.

Common causes of stress for young adults include:

  • Paying for school
  • Change of environment/separation from home
  • Living with a roommate/new friends
  • Sleep disruption caused by drinking excess caffeine and pulling all-nighters
  • Developing an independent identity
  • Taking tests or delivering presentations
  • Overwhelming pressure and demands from school and family
  • Imposter syndrome (feeling like a “fake” despite achievements) 
  • Graduating and/or finding employment
  • History of mental illness
  • Racial disparities
  • Current events (political controversies, climate change, global unrest and economic uncertainty)

What are the common symptoms of those stressors?

  • Avoiding or being late to complete assignments
  • Skipping classes (avoiding the feelings of guilt or shame for being behind or missing things)
  • Increased or decreased sleep and appetite
  • Neglecting self-care
  • Substance abuse as a distraction or method to cope and escape pressure
  • Social isolation and losing interest in previously enjoyed activities
  • Mood changes with irritability that can affect interpersonal relationships
  • Sense of restlessness
  • Panic attacks
  • Decreased attention and concentration
  • Physical symptoms, mainly gastrointestinal and neurological


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